
Supervision And Mentorship

Working with the College of Alberta Psychologists Standards for Supervision of Registered Provisional Psychologists, Dr. Coles provides formal supervision to fully registered psychologists as well as provisional psychologists who are looking to add psychoeducational assessment to their areas of competence. Karin works from a developmental model of supervision incorporating elements of mentorship, consultancy, personal support, and evaluation to ensure that all supervised individuals meet competency standards in the areas of assessment specific to psychoeducational assessments. Incorporating her experience as an educator at elementary, secondary, and postsecondary levels, Karin works with supervisees to establish clinical skills in psychoeducational assessment of individuals of all ages.

Supervsion for Provisional Psychologists

Working with the College of Alberta Psychologists Standards for Supervision of Registered Provisional Psychologists, Dr. Karin provides formal supervision to fully registered psychologists as well as provisional psychologists who are looking to add psychoeducational assessment to their areas of competence. Karin works from a developmental model of supervision incorporating elements of mentorship, consultancy, personal support, and evaluation to ensure that all supervised individuals meet competency standards in the areas of assessment specific to psychoeducational assessments. Incorporating her experience as an educator at elementary, secondary, and postsecondary levels, Karin works with supervisees to establish clinical skills in psychoeducational assessment of individuals of all ages.